Trezor App | Official website

As of my last update in January 2022, Trezor doesn't have a standalone app like some other hardware wallets. Instead, it primarily relies on its web interface, which connects to your device via a web

Trezor App | Official website

Here's how you can access it:

  1. Trezor Wallet: You can access the Trezor wallet interface by visiting the official Trezor website: From there, navigate to the "Wallet" section. Here, you'll find instructions on how to set up and use your Trezor device.

  2. Trezor Suite: Trezor also offers Trezor Suite, which is a desktop application for managing your cryptocurrency assets. You can download it from the official website as well. Trezor Suite provides an enhanced user experience compared to the web interface, with additional features and functionalities.

  3. Mobile Compatibility: While there isn't a standalone mobile app for Trezor, you can still use your Trezor device with compatible mobile wallets such as Mycelium or Electrum on Android devices. For iOS users, there are limited options due to Apple's restrictions, but you can use services like BlueWallet or Electrum on desktop and connect your Trezor device to them.

Always ensure that you are accessing the official Trezor website and downloading software from trusted sources to avoid phishing attacks and malware. Trezor takes security seriously, and using their official channels is the safest way to manage your cryptocurrency assets.

Last updated